Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Proof: My Free Wii U

This post has been a long time coming, here is what you've been waiting for, the ultimate proof: My Free Wii U!

I received my Wii U back on launch day, but have been sooo busy and just haven't had time to share this!

I also captured the moment when it was ordered back at the start of November last year!

It literally took me just a few months to earn enough points to get myself a free Wii U!

With the economy the way it is and jobs sparse, this really is a great way to treat yourself to some pricey items.

I strongly recommend trying this out if you fancy getting yourself a Wii U. Nothing beats the moment when a Wii U turns up at your doorstep, especially if you haven't spent a single penny on it!

What are you waiting for? Sign-up here today to get a free Wii U!

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