Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wii U Price Rumours

Nintendo still haven't announced the official release price of the Wii U, but there have been several rumours across the internet.

The first rumor stated that the Wii U will be priced at an extortionate price of $600! This was, however, quickly dismissed.

Other rumours have been placing it around the $400 mark, which still seems a little pricey for Nintendo.

The latest rumours, however, suggest that the Wii U will be priced from between $300 - $350, which in my opinion, sounds about right.

Nintendo have always strived to make their consoles affordable and for everyone. With a price tage around the $300 mark, they will definitely generate a lot of interest. This is a very reasonable price, making it just arond $50 more than the Wii at it's release date.

Nintendo are promising to officially announce the price sometime in September, so stay tuned!