Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wii U Price Rumours

Nintendo still haven't announced the official release price of the Wii U, but there have been several rumours across the internet.

The first rumor stated that the Wii U will be priced at an extortionate price of $600! This was, however, quickly dismissed.

Other rumours have been placing it around the $400 mark, which still seems a little pricey for Nintendo.

The latest rumours, however, suggest that the Wii U will be priced from between $300 - $350, which in my opinion, sounds about right.

Nintendo have always strived to make their consoles affordable and for everyone. With a price tage around the $300 mark, they will definitely generate a lot of interest. This is a very reasonable price, making it just arond $50 more than the Wii at it's release date.

Nintendo are promising to officially announce the price sometime in September, so stay tuned!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Wii U Coming Holiday 2012!

Nintendo has finally given fans a better idea of when to expect their newest console, the Wii U.

It was announced that the Wii U will be released in all regions during the holiday season of 2012, however, no price has yet been confirmed.

I don't know about you, but I'm already excited! I'm not so worried about the price, Nintendo has always made their consoles affordable, and besides on plan on getting myself a free Wii U, and you can too ;)

All it takes is 3 easy steps!

1. Sign up to points2shop and confirm your email for bonus points

2. Complete free offers, play games, watch videos to earn more points

3. When you have enough points redeem them on Amazon for a free Wii U!

Oh and enjoy playing your brand new and free Wii U! ;)

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Get Ready For the Wii U!

Now that 2012 has officially started it's time to start thinking about the new Nintendo console, the Wii U!

Once again set to change the course of gaming, Nintendo will be releasing the Wii U sometime this Spring, so get ready!

Although the price has yet to be revealed most estimates for the console are around $250- $350 for the Wii U, which compared to the other pricey consoles that are offered, is a great deal and is also affordable, something Nintendo prides itself in.

Besides, I'm telling you how to get a FREE Wii U remember? ;) So the price doesn't exactly matter.

In fact with the Wii U slated for release in the next few months, now is the perfect time to think about earning yourself a free Wii U, you could even pre-order it for free!

As explained in my previous post, getting a free Wii U is easy, and most importantly legit! Actually I have now officially earned myself over $3000 worth of free stuff from the site, so I know it's possible to get myself a free Wii U in no time at all.

What are you waiting for? Click below and get started today!

Get a free Wii U!